Quick Facts

DEPRECATED: Captain Cartheron

This quest is no longer available within the game.
Speak with Captain Cartheron at Ratchet in the Northern Barrens and offer him 100 gold as a down payment for his crew's service.
Convince Captain Cartheron to join the fleet (1)


We'll need more ships to round out the blockade fleet, and I know just the blood elf we need.

Captain Cartheron is his name and his men are some of the most experienced sailors in the Horde. Problem is, Cartheron and his men will want payment up front for their services.

Bring your gold with you to Ratchet in the Northern Barrens and find out how much it'll cost to hire Captain Cartheron's crew and how much bonus pay he's going to demand.


You will receive:


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(29868))

