Quick Facts

Holy Retribution

Strike down Az'jtal at Tyr's Fall in Tirisfal Glades.
Travel to Tyr's Fall (1)
Az'jtal slain (1)


I fell in what you now call Tirisfal Glades at the claws of two of Yogg'Saron's most powerful lieutenants... the C'Thraxi. I was able to slay one in my death throes - Az'jtal.

Now, the dark forces deep beneath Azeroth have begun to usher Az'jtal once again into this world. You must go to Tyr's Fall and strike Az'jtal down again before it can fully manifest.

Only once this deed is done may you receive my blessing upon the Ashbringer.


You will learn:
Purified Ashbringer
The following spell will be cast on you:
Summon Ashringer
You will also receive:


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(38856))

