Quick Facts

Asgrim the Dreadkiller

Sound Odyn's Horn upon the burial mound of Asgrim the Dreadkiller.
Spirit of Asgrim summoned (1)
Sprit of Asgrim defeated (1)
Provided item:
Odyn's Horn (1)


The spirit of one of our most honored warriors has disappeared from the Halls of Valor. Asgrim the Dreadkiller was a great warlord and king. For centuries, his spirit has dwelled in its rightful place within the Halls of Valor... until recently. Countless years ago, the Dreadkiller's bones were laid to rest not far from here by his warband. We will seek our answers there. Sound Odyn's Horn upon the burial ground and summon his spirit before us.
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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(45036))

